Rubio Arquitectura | Olonkholand Complex - Rubio Arquitectura

Olonkholand Complex



The main idea behind the proposal that is now exposed lies in the concepts of URBAN AND SOCIAL CONTINUITY AND COHESION.

Urban continuity as best expression of what a city is and social and territorial cohesion for a balanced development of the city.

When an opportunity appears in a city, as now occurs in Yakutsk, recovering a significant portion of isolated land for a long time cannot be missed. Restoring the continuity of all urban structures, road paths, its urban fabric, residential and endowment, its infrastructure and its natural corridors, green or fluvial is a core path to improvement.

Urban and social cohesion has a lot to do with the concept of dense city. The density justifies and enables the implementation of many urban and civic services that have no place in the dispersed city model.

Recovering the OLONKHO area can and should be the pretext to develop a broader Strategic Plan for the city of Yakutsk in the long run.

What is proposed is a new urban structure composed of a stark and clear layout, capable of providing conceptual and spatial coherence to all partial proposals to be incorporated in the new area.

In the cities the paths of road structures are the ones to remain through time ,due to their support of facilities and infrastructure, while buildings are transformed or replaced. Therefore succeeding in the selection of the urban structure and the layout of its road infrastructure is a priority.


Technical details
  1. Year: 2014
  2. Architecture: Carlos Rubio Carvajal, Pachi Mangado
  3. Promoter: Yakutsk City
  4. Structure: Clancy Engineering
  5. Instalation: Clancy Engineering
  6. Light: &Light
  7. Landscape Advisor: Park Restoration
  8. Infographies: Carlos Morán del Castillo,  Raluca Dana, Javier Rubio Donzé, Mangado Infografías.
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